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2017 Southern New England Heart Wal

May 13, 2017  - UMass Dartmouth

The American Heart Association of Southern New England held their annual Heart Walk at Mass-Dartmouth on May 13, 2017 to raise much-needed funds and to give people a chance to get some heart-healthy exercise in the process. "My son, Blake, had open heart surgery when he was born, and he's going to be four, and he's doing fantastic" stated Michelle Eugenio. "So, I'm very happy for the American Heart Association for what they do," she added.  iHeart Radio’s Kristin Lessard,emced the program before the walk began around the UMass-Dartmouth Ring Road. Another heart walk will be held in downtown Providence on June 4th. Besides being great opportunities to get some heart-healthy exercise, the walks provide a vehicle for the Heart Association to raise much-needed funds for research and education. According to New Bedford Cardiologist Mike Rocha of the New Bedford Wellness Initiative,  the walks are also a great opportunity for those who have made lifestyle changes to celebrate and to encourage others to take the pledge to live healthier lifestyles

(Top row) Walkers and heart survivors gather on the UMass-Dartmouth athletic field before the walk begins. (Row two)  iHeart Radio’s Kristin Lessard introduces Jenna Carter who describes her experiences with heart surgery. (Row three) Red Hat survivors wave their hats before the walk kicks off with Southcoast Health Community Benefits Manager Kerry Mello and Saint Anne's Hospital Strategic Communications Coordinator Anne Ferreira in the lower left of the right hand photo. (Row four) New Bedford Cardiologist Mike Rocha of the New Bedford Wellness Initiative, center, plays his trombone to get the walkers started. (Row five) Heart Walk Director Patrice Jean-Philippe puts her arm around Michelle Eugenio whose son had open heart surgery before she directs walkers around the course. (Row six) Walkers from Southcoast Health sport their maroon tee shirts as they walk along the route while Chizzumi Kano draws on a sign for their nearby water bottles. (Row seven) A walker from Southcoast Health smiles for the camera and Linda Clark talks to New Bedford Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro along the route. (Bottom row, right) Maria and Rosa from Columbia wear their Saint Anne's Hospital shirts as they enjoy the walk.   Courtesy Partners for a Healthier Community/Dr. David Weed. 

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